I’m born 2007, so I’m now 17 years old

Why should I not come back? They feed me and sometimes I can hear coyotes howl not far away - that are two very good reasons to stay close to the trailer or my humans when we are out for a hike. And I really like them - did I mention they feed me?

Hey, I’m a cat! Naturally, I’m a higher being. Paired with my extraordinary and highly developed senses I always find home. Well, and the fact, that I never go far away from our trailer unless one of my humans accompanies me. But that’s our secret, understood?

They didn’t.

Most of the time, yes. However, sometimes we are staying at RV parks. And I really don’t like RV parks. At most of them, I can only be outside on a leash. And you can imagine that it is impossible to sniff at and inspect all the exciting things when on a leash - such as sewer connections.

I went through a few diets. For some reasons, I developed a chicken and egg allergy. So I moved to a limited ingredients wet food diet with turkey as the only protein in it, which was still complete and balanced regarding nutrients, fat, protein and had enough metabolizable energy. However, I started to loose weight. Being quite an active cat, my humans and I thought it could be calory deficiency. But after increasing my daily intake to more than 400 ME without gaining weight, it became clear that something was wrong and I couldn’t digest the food properly. I also started to meow at my humans consistently, because I was hungry all the time. They fed me a large portion and 30 minutes later, I was already starving again. I didn’t really feel sick nor did I lack energy. And my coat was still beautifully shiny and smooth. We all were almost at our wits’ end. Then we decided to try a raw diet. Well, it was freeze-dried raw. And it worked! We started slowly, but I still had diarrhea at the beginning. After a while, it got better and we increased the amount of food. I no longer felt hungry all the time and became more relaxed. Then, my humans added dry food (whitefish) to my diet and finally I started to gain weight. Fast forward: At the moment, my humans feed me about 70% freeze-dried raw turkey, 15% dry food and 15% canned wet food. The goal is to increase my freeze-dried raw intake to about 80 - 100% and only do dry food on days when traveling.